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Modo più veloce per far coltivare stalloni a Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

In real life, the stud Lego pieces are kind of useless. However, in every single Lego game, including Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, they are perhaps the most important ones to collect. Ever since the first game, Studs have been repurposed into the game’s currency instead of using something like gold or coins. But the developers didn’t tune their economy to follow realistic conversions. No, in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga you will need to collect millions, perhaps even billions, of studs depending on how many of the game’s extras you want to unlock.


  • How you earn Studs and the different types
  • Get the Stud upgrades first
  • Best Stud farming spots

Collecting billions of, well, anything can sound so overwhelming that you might not even want to attempt it. If this is your first Lego game, then we understand where you’re coming from, but the fact is The Skywalker Saga gives you plenty of tools to make your Stud collecting go substantially faster than you might think. Without knowing these tips, though, you could easily spend more than 10 times longer than necessary rounding up these little plastic disks. If you want to know the absolute fastest way to earn Studs in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga so you can unlock everything without grinding, check out these vital tips.

Vedi altro

  • How to play co-op in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
  • Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: Beginner’s guide
  • Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: All cheat codes

How you earn Studs and the different types

Let’s get the basics out of the way first. You earn different colored Studs in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga from many different sources. The most common, and unavoidable, way to earn them is to simply fight and defeat enemies. Every enemy you slice, blast, punch, or otherwise defeat will drop a certain amount of studs based on your current multiplier that increases the longer you keep your combo going.

Another way to easily grab some extra Studs is to just break everything. Any destructible object in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, of which there are many in just about all environments, will drop some studs once broken.

Studs can also just appear in the world, either as rings during flying missions where you can fly through the center to collect them, or just in lines along the ground or littered on platforms while on foot.

As far as the different colors of Studs are concerned, there are white, yellow, blue, and purple. The rarity, and thus value, increase in that respective order. White studs are worth 10, yellow worth 100, blue 1,000, and purple an insane 10,000 per Stud.

Get the Stud upgrades first

Now for the most important step: Stud upgrades. To make the most Studs, you’re going to have to spend some, but the return on investment will be way way more in your favor. The most important upgrades are going to be the different levels of Stud multiplier upgrades you can find in the Extras section of your menu. Scroll down until you see the Stud multiplier upgrades where you can buy a 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, and finally, 10x Stud multiplier upgrade. These are self-explanatory on the surface but are actually even better than you might first assume. You need to buy them in order, obviously, but when you go from 2x to 4x, as long as you have them both active, you aren’t just upgrading from all studs being worth twice as much to four times as much, their effects will stack. By the time you hit the maximum of 10x Stud multiplier, you’ll be drowning in Studs like you wouldn’t believe, though that will take some time to afford on its own.

The other vital Stud upgrade is a Core upgrade called Attract Studs. This just makes the radius around your character in which a Stud needs to be to be pulled in and collected automatically larger. It might not seem super important, but it will save a ton of time running around trying to grab Studs, which will disappear if you can’t get to them in time too. It will make your farming just go that much faster.

The FASTEST Way To Make STUDS In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga! | Gameplay Walkthrough

Best Stud farming spots

With all your upgrades ready, or as many as you can get to start with, we can now move on to the best Stud farming areas in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The first, and most notable online, is in the Federal District area of Coruscant. This is an easy one for a few reasons. First, you can unlock this zone in Episode 1, meaning you don’t have to get far into any of the trilogies to reach it, although you will need to at least go through part of Episode 2 to get the Walkers you’ll need for this method, or more ideally a Rancor from Episode 6. You could also do this same method on Bespin in Cloud City.

Una volta scelto il tuo posto e hai accesso a un walker o al personaggio di Rancor, monti e inizia a scatenarsi attraverso la città, correndo su ogni oggetto fragile in vista. Il Walker si muove abbastanza rapidamente, ma il rancore è più veloce e rompe ancora gli oggetti incontrandoli. Corri intorno all'intera mappa e quando cerchi di nuovo la maggior parte degli oggetti si rigillerà, permettendoti di schiantarli di nuovo per guadagnare denaro infinito per alcuno sforzo.

Una seconda area agricola di stallone conosciuta si trova su Hoth nella missione Echo Base Escape. Devi fare di nuovo la missione effettiva poiché questa area specifica non è accessibile nel gioco gratuito. Dopo aver attraversato la battaglia principale con Luke, passerai ad Han all'interno della base. Prima di raggiungere il tuo primo incontro di combattimento con Snowtrooper, passerai a due porte rotte su entrambi i lati del tunnel. A quanto pare, sparare a queste porte farà cadere i borchie... infinitamente. Ciò significa che puoi impostare il tuo personaggio per affrontare una porta, sistemare il tuo controller per sparare costantemente e lasciarlo inattivo man mano che guadagni infiniti stalloni mentre vai in giro per la tua attività.

Tra queste due opzioni, non dovrai mai macinare per i perni in lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga di nuovo.


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